VP Securities Services has reported all-time high share trading for the third month in succession, and the number of share trades has risen with more than 60% compared to May 2004 and 7% compared to April 2005.
Due to the high level of activity in May, the number Danish shares traded broke previous records with a total of 461,988 trades in Danish shares. Private investors accounted for 18.8%, foreign investors accounted for 27.8% and the Danish industry accounted for 53.5%. The size of the trades was generally smaller than in April and March where big trades made the turnover peak. In May, the turnover of Danish shares amounted to almost DKK 304 billion.
The Danish bond market saw an increase in turnover of 3.7% compared to April equalling DKK 2,167 billion. The turnover was distributed on 89,855 trades compared to 114,333 in April–May had fewer, but larger bond trades. Private investors accounted for 14% of the total number of trades, foreign investors accounted for 4.4% and the industry accounted for 81.6%.
With a total number of 140,426 trades, the activity on the Danish market for unit trust certificates was above the average of the past year. However, compared to the record breaking month of April, May saw a decrease of 21.4%. The turnover was also above average amounting to DKK 31 billion, but slightly lower than the record breaking month of April. The private investors are very active in the market for Danish unit trust certificates accounting for 37.6% of the number of trades. The industry accounted for 57.9% of the trades and the foreign investors accounted for only 2.8%.