Platinum Capital Management has appointed Robert J. Keefe to its Global Advisory Board. Keefe is the chairman of TKC International, Inc., a Washington-based lobbying, public affairs, and strategic communications firm. He is a long-term veteran of the US Democratic Party and has served as an advisor to presidential candidates, senators and congressmen, governors and mayors.
Keefe has more than 25 years experience on Congressional staffs, political campaigns and as a consultant to major US and foreign organizations. He is the former executive director of the Democratic National Committee and was a consultant to US Ambassador to Japan, Robert Strauss, during the Tokyo Round of GATT negotiations. He was also a principal representative of the Government of Mexico in NAFTA negotiations.
Keefe’s business experience includes acting as chairman of AmeriNet, a Washington- based data business, and chairman of Global Strategies Group, an international organization of public affairs consultancies. Peter Sprecher, chairman of Platinum Capital Management, said, “Bob’s commitment to helping grow Platinum is very exciting for us. His extensive political background and business experience, in combination with his vast range of contacts has already, proved very valuable to the continuing international development of our business.”