Outsourcing Middle- and Back-Office Functions: the Asia perspective

Following the recent report conducted by SS&C Technologies and Global Custodian on evolving attitudes to middle- and back-office outsourcing in the US and Europe, this report looks East to gather the viewpoints of Asia-based organisations on the drivers and impact of outsourcing strategies.

The report draws data from over 100 responses spanning the Asia-Pacific region, with respondents spread throughout Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The majority (85%) of those surveyed are asset managers, while the rest are made up of hedge funds.

In line with the findings in the US and Europe, the vast majority of survey participants reveal that outsourcing has either delivered or exceeded their expected results. Some 57% said the results were as expected, while a third of total respondents said their experience with outsourcing has been better than expected.

The overwhelmingly positive feedback for outsourcing highlights the tangible benefits that an outsourcing strategy can offer. Despite some inhibitors, explored later in the report, the use of third-party providers to handle some middle- and back-office functions enables organisations within the industry to maximise their focus on core activities and value-added services for end-clients.

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Outsourcing Middle- and Back-Office Functions: the Asia perspective