CESR Names PR Newswire Investment Relations Executive To Transparency Directive Committee

The Committee of European Securities Regulators' selected Mark Hynes, the managing director of PR Newswire's investment relations, to join its consultancy team working on the transparency directive. "This is an extremely important time in European regulatory history," Hynes said. "With

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The Committee of European Securities Regulators’ selected Mark Hynes, the managing director of PR Newswire’s investment relations, to join its consultancy team working on the transparency directive.

“This is an extremely important time in European regulatory history,” Hynes said. “With the recent implementation of the transparency obligations directive, the move to creating a pan-European disclosure system is becoming a reality. The next step is to create a database or repository where investors and the public can access important material information on public companies throughout Europe. That is the goal of this working group and I am very honoured to be a part of it.”

Hynes will work with other members including representatives from the German, Greek, Luxembourg and Italian stock exchanges and representatives from organizations such as XBRL International, to create the framework for a repository of public company news and information similar to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database in the United States.

Hynes has worked 25 years in the financial news and information sector. As managing director of Investor Relations at PR Newswire, Hynes is responsible for developing regulatory disclosure solutions and strategies to assist PR Newswire’s customers.

Hynes is also a member of the Committee of European Securities Regulators Working Group on the Transparency Directive, and sits on the Board of Directors of the Investor Relations Society.
