Global Custodian is gearing up for the launch of its Private Equity issue this summer, as our administrator survey draws to a close.
There are only two weeks remaining for private equity funds to rate their respective administrators, with the results set to be published in August 2017.
The survey measures the perceptions by private equity firms of the quality of the services provided to them by third-party administrators. Sections of the survey cover client service, reporting and technology, among other fields.
Respondents can submit their answers HERE.
Back after four years, the Private Equity issue will run alongside Global Custodian’s annual hedge fund edition.
The percentage of private equity firms currently using administrators is estimated to be somewhere between 20-30%.
Experts believe this could surge in the coming years though, as capital continues to flow into private equity and new funds are launched by existing firms. The forecasted growth could then see these funds unable to handle operations in-house.
The Private Equity issue will cover the shifting trend towards private equity administration, along with themes around funds dealing with having to register as broker-dealers, fees, ethical investing and technology.
Private equity firms are becoming more comfortable with outsourcing, as are their clients. Seventy-one percent of investors told an Ernst & Young (EY) study in 2016 that they were happy to see managers outsource fund accounting. Just over half said the same about valuation, although this is a marked increase from 2014, when only 40% confirmed to EY they would be content about managers outsourcing valuation.
Given the rise in interest from our readers in this topic, Global Custodian’s private equity survey is back after a four-year absence, and this time will be published as its own separate supplement.