Eurex Relocates Matching Engines Into a New Single Data Centre

Eurex has relocated its active trading and clearing infrastructure into the International Business Exchange (IBX) data center of IT company Equinix.
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Eurex has relocated its active trading and clearing infrastructure into the International Business Exchange (IBX) data center of IT company Equinix.

Eurex said it upgraded and replaced all of the matching engines with the high-performance hardware in order to enable members to benefit from an increased throughput of the Eurex system. It also gives clients access to a large number of exchange-related service providers, including data vendors, bundled by Equinix under one roof.

The latest move follows the migration of the Xetra cash market in July 2011 and means that Deutsche Bourse now offers co-location services for derivatives and cash markets from a single location.

Eurex and Equinix have already been offering the co-location solution Proximity Services since 2006.

