Euroclear Streamlines Management Structure

Euroclear has revealed a shake-up in top management following the launch of ESES
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Euroclear has revealed a shake-up in top management following the launch of ESES.

– Pierre Slechten, currently Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear France, will become Chief Executive Officer of the three ESES-market CSDs.

– Guy Schuermans, currently Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear Nederland, will be a Managing Director at Euroclear SA/NV, in charge of a cross-divisional team responsible for cost management across the Euroclear group, reporting to Andr Rolland, Chief Financial Officer.

– Stphane Bernard, currently Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear Belgium, will become Chief Operating Officer for the three ESES-market CSDs, reporting to Pierre Slechten.

Different local management teams will continue to exist at each of the three CSDs, headed by the same Chief Executive Officer, Pierre Slechten. An ‘ESES Coordination College’, comprising a cross-section of local CSD management team members, will be created to assess cross-market issues and coordinate decision-making by each local management team. Pierre Slechten will also serve as Chairman of the College.

“This restructuring of our Belgian, Dutch and French CSD Boards and management teams will allow us to manage our business coherently and even more efficiently as a single domestic service across the three markets. It will also permit us to optimise further the client benefits of the ESES platform,” says Pierre Francotte, Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear SA/NV, the parent company of all Euroclear group international and national CSDs.

