Former EFAMA President Wolfgang Mansfeld Is New BVI President

The Board of Directors of BVI, the German fund and asset management association, announced on Friday that it had elected Dr. Wolfgang Mansfeld as its new President. The 56 year old economist is a member of the Board of Union

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The Board of Directors of BVI, the German fund and asset management association, announced on Friday that it had elected Dr. Wolfgang Mansfeld as its new President. The 56-year old economist is a member of the Board of Union Asset Management Holding AG .

From 2002 until 2005, Mansfeld was President of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA). He has been a member of the BVI Board since 2002.

Mansfeld will take over as BVI President on 30 January 2007 from Dr. Markus Rie, who has been entrusted with responsibility for the Allianz Group’s German sales force. He will consequently leave the management of Allianz Global Investors Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH.

Rie was member of the BVI Board from 2002 and President since September 2005.

At present the BVI Board consists of the following members:

– Dr. Wolfgang Mansfeld, BVI President, Union Asset Management Holding AG- Axel-Gnter Benkner, Deutsche Vermgensbildungsgesellschaft mbH- Dr. Detlev Dietz, COMMERZBANK ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING GmbH- Gtz Kirchhoff, INDEXCHANGE Investment AG- Thomas Neie, Deka Investment GmbH- Walter Schmidt, AmpegaGerling Investment GmbH- Brbel Schomberg, DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Immobilienfonds mbH- Bernd Wagner, Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH.
