Thomas Murray, a global team of consultants, analysts and technologists providing risk management and compliance services to the post-trade industry, has been hired by the National Bank of Greece (NBG) to assist its counterparty monitoring efforts across 30 securities markets.
With a wide range of domestic and foreign institutional and private investors among its clients, NBG is, like many of its peers, facing increasing regulatory pressure to monitor the counterparties who handle its clients’ assets. Thomas Murray will provide monitoring of NBG’s global custodian and ICSD counterparties and underlying sub-custodian networks.
“The service will help NBG navigate increasingly complex monitoring requirements in order to safeguard their clients’ assets throughout the markets in which they invest,” said Simon Thomas, executive chairman, Thomas Murray. “It is a pleasure to be working with NBG, who are a first-class provider of global custody to the Greek investment community.”
The monitoring service will include detailed risk and capability assessments, accessed via Thomas Murray’s market data platform as well as risk rating reports supported by newsflashes.
Aris Divaris, NBG’s assistant general manager of operations, noted that, “NBG is the oldest financial institution in Greece and a major custody provider for over 80 years. We are very keen to maintain and further strengthen our position...NBG selected Thomas Murray for the completeness of their solution and the reliability of their data and looks forward to a value–adding collaboration.”