Agent Banks in Emerging Markets


The overall score for agent banks in emerging markets has now risen every year since 2021, with the trend showing no signs of abating. In addition, the three highest rated categories this year match the three most critical areas of service provision according to respondents – making it another standout year for providers.

Agent Banks in Frontier Markets


Global Custodian is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, and with this we decided to make some changes to the frontier markets report this year with each country grouped within a region, each region getting a short introduction summarising the findings and these regions broken down into Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In addition, it was an excellent year for the ABFM survey, with a record number of results coming in from multiple regions.

Agent Banks in Major Markets


For the third year in a row the overall Agent Banks in Major Markets score has increased, along with most of the individual categories, pointing to a real purple patch for the sub-custody industry in the eyes of their clients.

Greece Domestic Survey


In recent years, Greek custodian banks have been prisoners of the country’s sovereign debt ratings. Until these improve, domestic institutions will be an increasingly important client segment.

Outsourced Trading Survey


With an uptick in the number of clients taking part compared to last year, a new and revised methodology and formula introduced, and an average overall score sitting at Very Good, this report will reveal plenty of exciting trends over the next few pages.

Prime Brokerage Survey


Back once again and better than ever, Global Custodian’s 2024 Prime Brokerage survey has had a fantastic year. With a record number of clients participating – up 15% from last year – nearly every provider has seen an uptick in their ratings.

South Africa Domestic Survey


While domestic institutional clients of South African custodians have a similar overall perception of their service providers to the banks’ foreign clients, there are some intriguing differences at a service category level.