HKEX confirms Digital Asset partnership for post-trade blockchain prototype
HKEX will trial the technology to help complete post-trade allocations and processing for northbound trades under Stock Connect within a tight settlement window.
HKEX will trial the technology to help complete post-trade allocations and processing for northbound trades under Stock Connect within a tight settlement window.
China's inclusion into the MSCI Emerging Markets Index has driven a dramatic increase in foreign institutions opening up special segregated accounts (SPSAs).
Positive sentiment to investing in China has largely been influenced by clearer and more flexible access schemes for foreign investors.
The launch of the service follows the go-live of China A-Shares on the MSCI Emerging Markets Index for the first time.
Around 70% of the nearly 230 mainland-traded stocks joined MSCI’s emerging markets and global indexes on Friday.
Industry experts seem to have opposing views on what benefits a London-China Stock Connect would bring, so we look at how the scheme would benefit investors.
Regulators are planning to include ETFs to the China-Hong Kong Stock Connect trading programme potentially by the end of the year.
Regulators in China and Hong Kong agree to increase the daily quotes for both Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programmes.