Driving the tech-led future

S&P Global's Richard Wilson, product manager, securities services, explains how innovation and scalability are at the heart of the firm's strategy for success.
By Editors

Congratulations on your win at Global Custodian’s Leaders in Custody awards for your Securities Processing Solution. What – for you – were the contributing factors behind the successful year that led to this award?

A key to our success last year was our rigorous approach to understanding and addressing our customers’ needs. As a leader in global post-trade securities, our strategy is centered on innovation, scalability, and customer-centric solutions. We actively engage with our clients to understand their challenges, particularly in times when investment budgets can be constrained. Our ability to find innovative, cost-effective, and frictionless digital solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructures has been crucial. By minimising disruption to existing infrastructure while enhancing transaction and instruction processing, we ensure that our clients can achieve efficiency gains, while reducing risk without significant additional investments.

By lowering their total cost of ownership (TCO) we have continually increased automation and standardised processes via our modern, scalable platform, facilitating growth, without a linear cost increase. This customer-centric and adaptive approach is key, as we continue building strategic partnerships through our extensive user community to enhance our platform’s capabilities and provide clients with a comprehensive solution set to service their business needs.

Could you outline some of the main achievements and milestones from the year?

Looking back at the last year, some of our key achievements and milestones have focused around:

The successful launch of our digital custody platform enabling seamless integration into a bank’s ecosystem, across multiple countries, using APIs.

Further streamlining of settlement workflows, corporate actions election instructions, and voting instructions, resulting in an enhanced, and more intuitive, users experience

Enhancing transaction and instruction processing, leading to improved operational efficiency for financial institutions having non-Swift-savvy clients

Achieving significant improvements in settlement efficiency through early-stage mismatch correction with Unique Transaction Identifiers (UTI)

Supporting local languages and ensuring robust data security across the platform.

How do you plan to build on this success going into the rest of the year and beyond?

As we look to the future, our primary objective is to continue to assist our clients in achieving superior performance and strategic value from their operations investment.

Building on our success to date, we plan to continue focusing on innovation and client-centric solutions as we continue to expand our Securities Processing solution to include additional markets, refine key platform features based on client feedback, and invest in R&D in order to stay ahead of the technological advancements and regulatory changes.

A couple of key investment areas include integration with digital assets technologies, connectivity to fintech platforms & Swift Securities View, impact of regulations around operational resilience and data security, and ensuring web content accessibility for all our users. We aim to continue to foster deeper relationships with clients and partners to drive further improvements and innovations. We are excited about the future, and we look forward to setting new standards in the custody services industry.


